Monday, August 31, 2015

Elissa & Aeneas

Elissa & Aeneas

Elissa stood on the dock at Tyre. Her beautiful olive skin was caressed by long black hair. She was a young and beautiful Phoenicians princess. She watched as the last of her followers boarded the ship. Finally she bade farewell to her home and her murdered husband. She had no more time for blood soaked Tyre. Her brother, Pygmalion had murdered her husband. Sychaeus was a good man, but Pygmalion was a greedy king. His widowed sister now fled.
Elissa, the sorrowful widow vowed never to marry again. As her fleet disembarked toward North Africa. The westward wind cradled her young beautiful body as she stood on the top of her trireme.
When the settlers arrived they set up camp. A local Berber chief had allowed the Phoenician refugees to settle on this parcel of land. On this spot Elissa and her people built a new city. The port was called Carthage. And Elissa was made the queen of her new city. Her new city began to prosper. It was an oasis surrounded by marauding bandits.
It was in this environment that the Carthaginian coast guard intercepted some ships that had been lost at sea. They brought these vessels to port. The leader of the ragged expedition was brought before the magnanimous queen. His name was Aeneas. He was a Trojan man. He had dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He stood in front of the radiant queen speechless.
Moments which felt like ages passed until he was able to address the magnificent Queen. He spoke, “I am Aeneas, the last prince of Troy. The Greeks have razed my home. Me and my people are sailing west to find a new homeland.” The angelic Queen stared at the young prince, “My dear you are welcome to stay in my city as long as you need to resupply and reequip”. Aeneas walked across the room and kissed the Queen's hand. “Thank you” Aeneas said, “Your kindness is only matched by your rare beauty.” Elissa blushed as she bade her guest farewell. She imparted one last word to him, “If you and your Trojans should choose to stay, I extend Carthaginian citizenship to each and every one of you.”
The Queen retired to her chamber to discuss with her servants this newcomer. Her young maid continued to extoll the handsomeness of this wayward prince. Elissa quietly agreed. In appreciation she would prepare a feast the following night and feed all the nobles of the Trojan caravan.
The next day the Trojans enjoyed the feat. Elissa's servants brought out course after course. The Trojans celebrated with good food and wine. The merry Trojans enjoyed the celebration as the night eroded. The nobles began to argue with Aeneas. They warned him, that they were on a mission from the gods. They told him Zeus would punish the Trojans for ignoring him. Aeneas laughed it off. He reminded them it would be rude to refuse the good queen's generosity.
The party rolled on as the nobles each bid their hostess farewell. Finally it was only Aeneas and Elissa. Aeneas looked at the beautiful woman, “My queen your hospitality knows no end.” Elissa's lips curled as she sipped the wine, “MY Trojan lord, it is for the benefit of my people that I welcome your Trojans in my city.” Aeneas took a sip out of her wine glass, “Is that all? I thought it was my charm that allowed my people this quiet retreat.” Elissa looked at him, “No my darling, I have sworn myself to chastity, I will never love another, not since my husband was murdered.” Aeneas looked at his queen, “Then I shall bid you good night.” Elissa looked to him, “Tomorrow we shall take in the sights. I know a beautiful mountain path, please don't refuse me the modest pleasure of your company my prince.” Aeneas looked sternly at Elissa, “No my queen, there is nothing I could refuse you.”
That afternoon Aeneas and Elissa took to the mountain paths to breathe in the mountain air. Elissa walked beside the Trojan prince. She wore a beautiful white gown. Aeneas saw a moment of weakness, and seized Elissa's hand. She made a quiet noise, and Aeneas pressed his lips against her hand. The Queen blushed. And then she spoke, “My dear prince, you do my modesty much harm.” Aeneas looked at the Queen, “You are the vision of Venus herself”.
Elissa hurried Aeneas along. As they walked the sky grew cloudy. A crack of thunder. And it began to rain. Aeneas grabbed Elissa's hand and hurried them into a cave to get out of the rain. Aeneas took off his tunic and placed it on the cave ground for the queen to sit on. Then she motioned for him to join her.
Aeneas put his arm around Elissa. The queen struggled. His word were enough to disarm her. As Aeneas undressed the Queen she looked at the prince. Elissa smiled at him “We are both exiles my fair prince. Perhaps, we can make this exile a place of belonging.” Aeneas looked at her, “Than remove from me the sorrow of my exile.” The prince caressed Elissa. As they laid together their lips met. For hours the two exiles laid in the cave. Aeneas passionately consumed Elissa's love. Her body trembling as she felt the full extent of the exiled prince.
As the storm settled the lovers fell asleep in each others arms. The next day Elissa greeted her court, she was the very picture of happiness. She showed benevolence to every supplicant. Several times Elissa asked after Aeneas. “Where had her lover gone?” As the day rolled on she heard no words from her lover.
Finally a Carthaginian guard ran into her throne room. The guard yelled, “My queen the Trojans have set sail.” Elissa froze, quite beside herself. She stood there crushed. The guard remained, “My dear Queen should we intercept them?” Elissa remained silent. Finally her sister entered. Her sister spoke “Elissa what is your command?” The Queen stared at her sister, eyes full of tears. Elissa spoke, “Build me a pyre!” Her sister screamed, “No Elissa that Trojan is not worth it!” Elisss feigned a smile, “My dear sister it is to burn the gifts that bastard gave to me and nothing more.” With this news her sister left to build the pyre.
The next morning Elissa called all the nobles to the pyre. She placed all the gifts Aeneas had given her. And then the Queen climbed on top of the pyre, “My Carthaginians, I want you to swear eternal hatred on the Trojans. Carthage will always be an enemy of the children of Aeneas!” At that moment Elissa drove a sword into her chest. Her sister screamed and the nobles looked on with horror. Elissa's sister rushed to the pyre, but the queen had dropped the torch.
The nobles watched their Queen immolate all the while cursing the children of Aeneas. The entire group of assembled nobles and the sister of Elissa all swore eternal hatred on the Trojans and the descendants of Aeneas. And so the Ancient rivalry of Rome and Carthage was born. Aeneas succumbed to the Trojan nobles. He left his lover to her fate. Yet, it broke her heart. If ever he was able to see her again he would only ask for forgiveness. There Aeneas went, at the call of his gods, to the words of his nobles. He went on to found a city in Italy, Alba Longa. This is where the original Romans would eventually come to settle in Roma. The eternal enemy of Carthage.

~Dedicated to my lover Princess Yosra, with my promise I will never leave my Elissa

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